Results of the National Museum’s activities in 2024 and tasks for 2025

Results of the National Museum’s activities in 2024 and tasks for 2025

On the 14th of January 2025, a meeting was convened in the conference hall of the State Institution “National Museum” of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. The purpose of the meeting was to summarise the results of the institution’s activities in 2024 and to establish objectives for 2025. The meeting was attended by the management and staff of the National Museum, the chief specialist of the Department of Education, Culture and Information of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Kurbonzoda Zainolobiddin, as well as media representatives.

At the commencement of the meeting, Ibrohimzoda Zafarsho Safo, Director of the State Institution ‘National Museum’ of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, presented a detailed report on the multifaceted activities of the National Museum, including mass-educational, research, exhibition and exposition, preventive, restoration and conservation, collection, personnel, documentation activities and international cooperation of the institution. The presentation comprised specific facts and figures, as well as a demonstration of the results achieved.

It was observed that during the specified period, the National Museum attracted a total of 102,179 visitors, comprising 94,359 domestic and 7,820 foreign visitors. This represented a decline of 392 domestic visitors compared to the same period in the previous year, while the number of foreign visitors increased by 1995. Tour guides and scientific staff at the National Museum conducted 18,120 tours, comprising 13,553 for domestic visitors and 4,567 for foreign visitors. The languages in which these tours were conducted included Tajik, Russian, English, German, Hindi, Urdu, French, Arabic and Chinese. This figure represents an increase of 11 tours in comparison with the same period last year, and an increase of 614 visitors during the tours.

Subsequently, Deputy Director of the National Museum Naimzoda Dilorom Naim presented a comprehensive report on the activities of the Scientific Council and the Women’s Council of the institution in 2024. Following this, the head of the technical and engineering department, Mazoriev Davlatali, presented a report on the technical condition of the institution, accompanied by a demonstration of the work that had been performed. The representative of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Kurbonzoda Zaynalobiddin, then delivered a speech in which he noted that the collection, preservation and study of historical and cultural heritage is one of the main tasks of the National Museum. As was evident from the report presented by the responsible persons, the National Museum fulfilled its professional task during 2024 and achieved significant success. Consequently, it is recommended that the institution should, in 2025, revitalise its activities and continue to play a significant role in presenting the rich history and culture of the Tajik people.

At the meeting’s conclusion, a number of employees of the institution were awarded a ‘Letter of Gratitude’ from the State Institution ‘National Museum’ of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan in recognition of their contribution to presenting the rich history and culture of the Tajik people.