Participation of the Director of the National Museum in the 33rd …
Participation of the Director of the National Museum in the 33rd session of the ICCROM General Assembly
On November 2 and 3, 2023, the 33rd session of the General Assembly of the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) was held in Rome, Italy, at which the Director of the State Institution “National Museum” of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ibrohimzoda Zafarsho, participated.
At this session, on the proposal of the ICCROM member countries, the Director General of this international organization was elected and candidates for the Council of this organization.
It is worth noting that ICCROM was created at the suggestion of the UNESCO General Conference in 1956 in Delhi. 3 years later, its headquarters was opened in the Italian Republic, where it still operates. The main activity of ICCROM is the study, research and restoration of cultural heritage. Every year, the center conducts more than 20 training courses in these areas and pays all expenses at its own expense. ICCROM also has the largest electronic library in the field of museology, which can be fully used by all students, specialists and scientists in the field of museology. To date, 137 countries are members of ICCROM.
In 2021, the Republic of Tajikistan became a member of the ICCROM. Membership in this organization will allow young specialists in the field of museology, including restorers, archaeologists, designers and representatives of other related branches of this field to participate in short-term international courses and improve their professional knowledge and experience.
I would like to note that as a result of mutually beneficial cooperation with ICCROM, the National Museum managed to organize and hold an international seminar on the topic “Scientific rules for the care of collections (CollAsia 2023)” for the first time in history in Central Asia, which was held in Dushanbe from September 18 to October 6 this year.
This seminar was actively attended by representatives of museums from more than 20 countries, including museums of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as experienced specialists from Japan, Denmark, Malaysia and Serbia, who conducted theoretical and practical classes.
During this seminar, the Director of the State Institution “National Museum” Ibrohimzoda Zafarsho met for the first time with the representative of ICCROM Thomas Meras Castano and its General Director Webber Ndoro. During the meeting, they discussed issues of bilateral cooperation, the holding of ICCROM events in the Republic of Tajikistan and the participation of the National Museum in ICCROM events, and also discussed issues of expanding ties in other areas.